Top "Google-chrome-app" questions

Don't use this tag for PWA or the Chrome app/binary itself!

Unchecked runtime.lastError while running storage.set: QUOTA_BYTES_PER_ITEM quota exceeded

I am getting this exception in my background.html page. I don't know what this exception says. Can anyone explain …

google-chrome google-chrome-extension google-chrome-devtools google-chrome-app
'fileSystem' is only allowed for packaged apps, and this is a legacy packaged app

I need to use the fileSystem permission in the manifest.js, so I can read/write files from my Chrome …

google-chrome google-chrome-extension google-chrome-app
How to communicate with WebView in Chrome App?

I have developed a website which I intend to display inside a webview, within a Chrome App. This works fine. …

javascript google-chrome-extension google-chrome-app cordova-chrome-app
Close event for

When a chrome app window is closed, is it possible to detect the event? and do an action before the …

google-chrome-extension google-chrome-app
How to get event ID from Google Calendar page with JavaScript?

I am creating a Google Chrome extension for Google calendar. I want to get the ID of an event when …

google-chrome-extension google-api google-calendar-api google-chrome-app
What are the pros and cons of Chrome Apps compared to Electron?

I want to program a desktop app in javascript (with web technologies) and looked for a comparison between Electron and …

javascript google-chrome google-chrome-app electron
How to open a new window from a link in a webview in a chrome-packaged app

In order to show ads from a banner exchange, I'm loading a webview containing an iframe linking to the ads …

Debugging new Chrome packaged apps

I'm playing with new-style packaged apps in Chrome 24, and I don't see any way to bring up Developer Tools to …

google-chrome-extension google-chrome-app
Chrome Native Messaging API chrome.runtime.connectNative is not a function

I am looking to manipulate the content page that's currently on the tab in Chrome and if this below can …

javascript c# google-chrome google-chrome-app chrome-native-messaging