Top "Google-api-client" questions

The GoogleApiClient The main entry point for Google Play services integration

GoogleApiClient onConnected never called on Wearable device

I have a wearable device that I'm trying to connect to the GoogleApiClient but the callbacks are never called (onConnected, …

android google-api-client wear-os
Using Google OAuth on localhost

I started to use OAuth with Python and Django. I need it for Google APIs. I working on localhost, so …

python oauth google-api google-api-client
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: GoogleApiClient is not connected yet

I am getting this error message when trying to implement logout for Google Sign-In for Android: Caused by: java.lang.…

java android android-studio google-api-client android-googleapiclient
How do I retrieve Google Analytics report data using v3 of their .NET api?

I've been trying to retrieve Google analytics reports using their provided .NET api and have really been scratching my head …

c# .net google-analytics-api google-api-client
Implementing google+ sign in button to localhost with google API

I am trying to implement the Google+ log in /sign in button on a website I'm coding through Sublime Text2 …

html button google-api google-plus google-api-client
Is there a G Suite/Google Apps API?

I had several questions regarding the usability of a "G Suite/Google Apps API." I would like to integrate some …

google-apps-script google-api google-drive-api google-docs google-api-client
How can developers edit a Google Doc programmatically? Is there a Docs API?

There doesn't seem to be (to my knowledge) an API to edit Google Docs (not spreadsheets, their HTML based documents). …

google-apps-script google-api google-docs google-api-client google-docs-api
What is the new generated code "This was auto-generated to implement the App Indexing API."?

Background I just created a new POC today (about activity transitions, but this isn't the topic), and I've noticed a …

android google-api-client android-app-indexing
Google Api Client sometime NULL in onConnected

I implement GoogleApiClient as bellow: mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this) .enableAutoManage(this, 0 /* clientId */, this) .addApi(LocationServices.API) .addApi(Places.GEO_…

android google-api-client