Top "Global.asa" questions


classic asp/ website - global.asa not working

I've recently been given a website written in classic asp to configure and set up - although it also appears …

asp-classic global-asax global.asa
Classic ASP Server.MapPath() doesn't work as expected in global.asa

In Classic ASP, Server.MapPath() doesn't always work properly in the Application_OnStart event within global.asa. I have an …

asp-classic server.mappath global.asa mappath
how to extend the session timeout in before expiry

I am developing movie ticket booking website. I am using sessions in that i want to extend the session timeout … session c#-4.0 payment-gateway global.asa
Global.ASA does not work in IIS7.5

I have many projects written in old classic ASP where Global.asa used to work perfectly fine. Since I have …

asp-classic global.asa