Global.ASA does not work in IIS7.5

Yashman Gupta picture Yashman Gupta · Aug 27, 2011 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

I have many projects written in old classic ASP where Global.asa used to work perfectly fine. Since I have installed Windows 7 with IIS7.5, none of my projects are working.

Below is the code for Global.asa

<Script language=vbscript runat = server>

Sub Application_OnStart() 

dim objConn, connectionString

set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 

connectionString = "DSN=otsDSN; UID=admin;PWD=;"

objConn.ConnectionTimeout = 5

The error comes in this line. Have referred many websites, even IIS.Net but still no luck.

objConn.Open connectionString

Application("otsAppConn") = objConn

end Sub

The error thrown by IIS is

error '80004005' /ot/admin/page1.asp, line 33 and the Application object which used to carry the connection object string in older family of IIS now showing, Provider=MSDASQL.1; instead of complete connection string.

All the projects are listed as Application in IIS7.5 which I could see using the appcmd list apps

Appreciate if someone can help on this..


kmcc049 picture kmcc049 · Aug 27, 2011

see if the information in the provided link helps you get some better debug info. About halfway down there is a setting you can turn on that allowed me to see what was behind the error code when I was trying to run a classic asp in iis 7.5