Top "Glassfish" questions

GlassFish is the reference Java EE application server.

Derby vs PostgreSql Performance Comparison

We are doing research right now on whether to switch our postgresql db to an embedded Derby db. Both would …

postgresql glassfish derby
Glassfish admin console won't load

When I try to access the admin-console with http://localhost:4848 it says the admin console is loading, but it won't …

jakarta-ee glassfish admin application-server
The specified directory is not a valid GlassFish installation

I'm trying to install GlassFish 4 with Eclipse on Windows 7 64bit. Everything goes fine, but when I try to set server …

Hot deploying changes with Netbeans, Maven, and Glassfish

Recently we migrated from using ant to maven. Within Netbeans, I used to edit and save html, xhtml, javascript, css …

netbeans glassfish maven war hotdeploy
Custom Glassfish Security Realm does not work (unable to find LoginModule)

I'm trying to get a Custom Security Realm in Glassfish working (i tried 3.0.1 final and 3.1 B33). I read nearly all …

security jakarta-ee glassfish glassfish-3
asadmin command doesn't work in ubuntu

I'm using Java EE with Glassfish. I can't run asadmin command as well. I did the following, but output from …

java terminal glassfish enterprise asadmin
Possible to change ejb parameter at runtime for @Schedule annotation?

Probably a silly question for someone with ejb experience... I want to read and change the minute parameter dynamically for …

java timer glassfish ejb-3.1 schedule
javax.ejb.CreateException: Could not create stateless EJB with glassfish and boneCP on intellij-idea

I recently began to use Glassfish and boneCP on intellij idea with a simple web app, but there's a bug …

jpa intellij-idea glassfish bonecp
Glassfish 4 - JDBC Realm

What's the difference between the Password encryption algorithm and the Digest Algorithm in Glassfish 4? Because Password encryption algorithm cannot be …

java jdbc glassfish jaas glassfish-4
force glassfish 4 to use jackson 2.3

I wrote an maven application which should run on Glassfish 4. The Standard ApplicationConfig looks like this:"…

glassfish jersey jackson jax-rs java-ee-7