Top "Glassfish" questions

GlassFish is the reference Java EE application server.

How to make Jersey use GZip compression for the response message body

I am trying to write a simple Jersey application that sends files from a Jersey client to a Jersey server …

glassfish jersey jax-rs
Glassfish 3.1 returns an error when started Unable to start server due following issues: Launch process failed with exit code 1

This is the trace : Launching GlassFish on Felix platform ERROR: Error parsing system bundle export statement: org.osgi.framework; version=1.6.0, …

Invalid ejb jar: it contains zero ejb.

I have 2 modules: ejb and war, and ear module, that contains them. Modules build successfully, but when I try to …

glassfish ejb ear
Inject a EJB into a JSF converter with JEE6

I have a stateless EJB that acceses my database. I need this bean in a JSF 2 converter to retreive an …

jsf dependency-injection jakarta-ee glassfish ejb-3.0
Deploying to Glassfish classpath not set for com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource

Glassfish is not loading the com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource package. The following error is thrown javax.persistence.PersistenceException: …

eclipse deployment glassfish ear
Metro vs Java's JAX-WS?

What is/are the difference/s of Java's JAX-WS and Metro? Are they the same of are they two different …

java tomcat glassfish jax-ws java-metro-framework
Right way to configure Glassfish SSL certificate nickname?

Glassfish lets to set the SSL certificate nickname through its admin console as it is highlighted in the pic below: …

java ssl glassfish glassfish-4 glassfish-4.1
Maven Embedded Glassfish plugin

I cannot seem to get the Maven Glassfish plugin working for the life of me: <project> ... <pluginRepositories&…

maven-2 glassfish glassfish-3 glassfish-embedded
httpOnly Session Cookie + Servlet 3.0 (e.g. Glassfish v3)

By default, Glassfish v3 doesn't set the httpOnly flag on session cookies (when created as usual with request.getSession()). I …

java servlets jakarta-ee glassfish java-ee-6
Maven doesn't recognize EJB as dependency of project when trying to define module

Today I upgraded my local Glassfish server to 3.1.1 in preparation for my company's upgrading of the servers to the same …

java maven glassfish application.xml