GlassFish is the reference Java EE application server.
I need to use on Elastic Beanstalk a Java application written for Glassfish server. Beacuse of Amazon doesn't let me …
amazon-web-services glassfish glassfish-3 amazon-ami amazon-elastic-beanstalkNaive question, but this is my first step in JSF, so forgive me ;-) I am following all the steps …
java jsf glassfish autodeployI have an EAR with a WAR that I'm deploying on GlassFish 3.1 Currently, the application runs at localhost:8080/myapp/index.…
glassfish earI know Glassfish uses a component called Grizzly but I am unsure of to exactly what role Grizzly performs. I …
glassfish grizzlyI've been trying to set my application up so that I can unit test it's EJBs all day but I …
java unit-testing maven-2 glassfish ejb-3.1For ages I've been puzzled about why after login I sometimes don't directed to the application welcome page. I've finally …
jsf authentication glassfish mojarra j-security-checkI'm very new to EJB security and GlassFish authentication, authorization mechanism. I have a jdbc realm and configured sun-web.xml …
security authentication jakarta-ee glassfish jdbcrealm