Top "Gitlab-ci" questions

GitLab CI is a continuous integration server from GitLab.

GitLab CI vs. Jenkins

What is the difference between Jenkins and other CI like GitLab CI, coming with the Git distribution. On …

git jenkins gitlab gitlab-ci
How can I pass artifacts to another stage?

I'd like to use GitLab CI with the .gitlab-ci.yml file to run different stages with separate scripts. The first …

gitlab gitlab-ci
How to update existing images with docker-compose?

I have multiple microservices and I am using docker-compose for development deployments. When there are some changes in the microservices …

docker docker-compose gitlab-ci
Android Command line tools sdkmanager always shows: Warning: Could not create settings

I use the new Command line tools of android because the old sdk-tools repository of android isn't available anymore. So …

android gitlab-ci android-build android-sdk-manager android-studio-3.6
How to use Gitlab CI to build a Java Maven project?

I have been experimenting with no success whatsoever, I am running a Gitlab hosted on Linux, and trying to get …

java spring maven gitlab-ci gitlab-omnibus
Multiline YAML string for GitLab CI (.gitlab-ci.yml)

I'm trying to write a gitlab-ci.yml file which uses a multi-line string for the command. However, it seems like …

yaml gitlab-ci gitlab-ci-runner
Use GitLab CI to run tests locally?

If a GitLab project is configured on GitLab CI, is there a way to run the build locally? I don't …

Run docker-compose build in .gitlab-ci.yml

I have a .gitlab-ci.yml file which contains following: image: docker:latest services: - docker:dind before_script: - docker …

docker docker-compose gitlab-ci
Using GitLabCI with C#

I've been working on a C# application and wanted to try the GitLab CI out. All I can see is …

c# gitlab gitlab-ci
where do I find the project id for the gitlab api?

I use gitlab on their servers. I would like to download my latest built artifacts (build via gitlab-ci) via the …

api gitlab gitlab-ci