Top "Gitlab-ci" questions

GitLab CI is a continuous integration server from GitLab.

How to create repository badges in gitlab?

How do I create badges for my project in gitlab? I know there is a webpage for it here https://…

gitlab gitlab-ci badge
Push files to gitlab-ci via CI runner

I am using gitlab CI runner to test my code and generating some files. I just want to push the …

gitlab gitlab-ci gitlab-ci-runner
What is the special gitlab-ci-token user?

The docs for gitlab's container registry ( provide a config example with this …

docker gitlab gitlab-ci gitlab-ci-runner
How to migrate gitlab backups to new server which has latest gitlab version

I am trying to migrate my gitlab backups for my old server to new server. my old server has gitlab (…

git gitlab bitnami gitlab-ci
Gitlab execute stage conditionally

There are 3 stages - build, test and deploy in .gitlab-ci.yml. A nightly regression test stage needs to be run …

git gitlab gitlab-ci
gitlab ci: Run build job when manual or when master only

Is it possible to have a gitlab-ci file wheres a build job defined with the following requirements: get executed when …

gitlab jobs gitlab-ci
How do I establish manual stages in Gitlab CI?

I'd can't seem to find any documentation of manual staging in Gitlab CI in version 8.9. How do I do a …

gitlab gitlab-ci
Clearing the pipeline cache with Gitlab CI

Is is possible to invalidate or clear a pipeline cache with Gitlab CI after a pipeline completes? My .gitlab-ci.yml …

gitlab gitlab-ci gitlab-ci-runner
Role of docker-in-docker (dind) service in gitlab ci

According to the official gitlab documentation, one way to enable docker build within ci pipelines, is to make use of …

docker continuous-integration gitlab gitlab-ci
How do I use PowerShell with Gitlab CI in Gitlab Pages?

How do I use PowerShell commands/scripts with Gitlab CI in a .gitlab-ci.yml file which is used to deploy …

powershell continuous-integration gitlab gitlab-ci gitlab-pages