GGally is designed to be a helper to ggplot2.
I have some code in a Shiny app that produces the first plot below. As you can see the font …
r ggplot2 correlation ggallyGGally::ggpairs plots nice graphs like following one. Only thing I seek to refine it even more is to remove …
r ggplot2 ggallyI'm trying to reproduce the figure in with the code require(GGally) data(tips, package="…
r ggplot2 ggallyI'm using the code below to generate the following chart. # Setup data(airquality) # Device start png(filename = "example.png", units = "…
r scatter-plot ggally r-corrplotThis is the same question as in User defined colour palette in R and ggpairs or is there a way …
r ggallyI have the following plot: Generated with this code: library("GGally") data(iris) ggpairs(iris[, 1:4], lower=list(continuous="smooth", params=…
r ggplot2 ggallyConsider this example: data(tips, package = "reshape") library(GGally) pm <- ggpairs(tips, mapping = aes(color = sex), columns = c("…
r ggplot2 ggallyI am facing a difficulty while plotting a parallel coordinates plot using the ggparcoord from the GGally package. As there …
r ggplot2 visualization categorical-data ggally