Top "Getopts" questions

getopts is a Bourne/POSIX shell builtin for parsing command-line options, available in ash, bash, dash, ksh, zsh, ... on Linux and other Unix systems.

How do I parse command line arguments in Bash?

Say, I have a script that gets called with this line: ./myscript -vfd ./foo/bar/someFile -o /fizz/someOtherFile or …

bash command-line scripting arguments getopts
An example of how to use getopts in bash

I want to call myscript file in this way: $ ./myscript -s 45 -p any_string or $ ./myscript -h #should display help $ ./…

bash shell getopts
Using getopts to process long and short command line options

I wish to have long and short forms of command line options invoked using my shell script. I know that …

bash command-line-arguments getopt getopts
Retrieving multiple arguments for a single option using getopts in Bash

I need help with getopts. I created a Bash script which looks like this when run: $ -i env …

bash command-line-arguments getopts
bash getopts with multiple and mandatory options

Is it possible to use getopts to process multiple options together? For example, myscript -iR or myscript -irv. Also, I …

bash getopts
Reading $OPTARG for optional flags?

I'd like to be able to accept both mandatory and optional flags in my script. Here's what I have so …

bash getopts
Optional option argument with getopts

while getopts "hd:R:" arg; do case $arg in h) echo "usgae" ;; d) dir=$OPTARG ;; R) if [[ $OPTARG =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]];then …

bash getopt getopts
How can I use long options with the Bash getopts builtin?

I am trying to parse a -temp option with Bash getopts. I'm calling my script like this: ./myscript -temp /foo/…

bash command-line-arguments getopts
Best way to parse command line args in Bash?

After several days of research, I still can't figure out the best method for parsing cmdline args in a .sh …

bash command-line getopts
Add usage content in shell script without getopts

I have script where i need to display usage command in case user miss any mandatory information while executing script. …

linux shell unix getopts