Retrieving multiple arguments for a single option using getopts in Bash

vegasbrianc picture vegasbrianc · Sep 23, 2011 · Viewed 93.9k times · Source

I need help with getopts.

I created a Bash script which looks like this when run:

$ -i env -d directory -s subdirectory -f file

It works correctly when handling one argument from each flag. But when I invoke several arguments from each flag I am not sure how to pull the multiple variable information out of the variables in getopts.

while getopts ":i:d:s:f:" opt
     case $opt in
        i ) initial=$OPTARG;;
        d ) dir=$OPTARG;;
        s ) sub=$OPTARG;;
        f ) files=$OPTARG;;


After grabbing the options I then want to build directory structures from the variables -i test -d directory -s subdirectory -s subdirectory2 -f file1 file2 file3

Then the directory structure would be


Any ideas?


mivk picture mivk · Dec 24, 2013

You can use the same option multiple times and add all values to an array.

For the very specific original question here, Ryan's mkdir -p solution is obviously the best.

However, for the more general question of getting multiple values from the same option with getopts, here it is:


while getopts "m:" opt; do
    case $opt in
        m) multi+=("$OPTARG");;
shift $((OPTIND -1))

echo "The first value of the array 'multi' is '$multi'"
echo "The whole list of values is '${multi[@]}'"

echo "Or:"

for val in "${multi[@]}"; do
    echo " - $val"

The output would be:

$ /tmp/t
The first value of the array 'multi' is ''
The whole list of values is ''

$ /tmp/t -m "one arg with spaces"
The first value of the array 'multi' is 'one arg with spaces'
The whole list of values is 'one arg with spaces'
 - one arg with spaces

$ /tmp/t -m one -m "second argument" -m three
The first value of the array 'multi' is 'one'
The whole list of values is 'one second argument three'
 - one
 - second argument
 - three