Top "Get" questions

GET is one of many request methods supported by the HTTP protocol.

Passing base64 encoded strings in URL

Is it safe to pass raw base64 encoded strings via GET parameters?

php url string get base64
jquery ajax get responsetext from http url

Neither: var response = $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "", async: false, success : function() { alert (this); } }); Nor: var response2 = $.…

jquery ajax get response responsetext
how to use json file in html code

I have json file mydata.json, and in this file is some json-encoded data. I want obtain this data in …

javascript jquery html json get
How to get the Full file path from URI

I'd like to get the full file path, from a URI. The URI isn't a Image, but it's a music …

android path get uri
How to switch from POST to GET in PHP CURL

I have tried switching from a previous Post request to a Get request. Which assumes its a Get but eventually …

php post curl get
Are HTTPS headers encrypted?

When sending data over HTTPS, I know the content is encrypted, however I hear mixed answers about whether the headers …

security post encryption https get
Sending a JSON to server and retrieving a JSON in return, without JQuery

I need to send a JSON (which I can stringify) to the server and to retrieve the resulting JSON on …

javascript json post get xmlhttprequest
How to pass extra variables in URL with WordPress

I am having trouble trying to pass an extra variable in the url to my WordPress installation. For example /news?…

php wordpress url get
How to make an HTTP get request with parameters

Is it possible to pass parameters with an HTTP get request? If so, how should I then do it? I …

c# httpwebrequest get
PHP Get all subdirectories of a given directory

How can I get all sub-directories of a given directory without files, .(current directory) or ..(parent directory) and then use …

php list get subdirectory