Top "Responsetext" questions

The read-only XMLHttpRequest property responseText returns the text received from a server following a request being sent.

jquery ajax get responsetext from http url

Neither: var response = $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "", async: false, success : function() { alert (this); } }); Nor: var response2 = $.…

jquery ajax get response responsetext
returning xmlhttp responseText from function as return

im new in javascript and php , my goal is :RETURN string from xmlhttp responseText to a function return value.So …

javascript ajax xmlhttprequest responsetext
javascript: how to fetch the content of a web page

In JS is it possible to fetch the content of a web page assigning it to a variable? For example, …

javascript html xmlhttprequest fetch responsetext
XmlHttpRequest.responseText result?

I am new to JavaScript. I need to test the output of XMLHttpRequest.responseText on a given URL. What is …

javascript xmlhttprequest responsetext
Why is responseText undefined here?

$.ajax({ url: '', method: 'GET', }).done(function(data){ console.log(data); console.log(data.responseText); }); …

jquery ajax responsetext
Get element of a responseText JSON of an OpenLayers GET request

I am trying to use OpenLayers.Request.GET to load data from url in JSON format. Here's the request (note: …

javascript json gis openlayers responsetext
Assigning jQuery ajax response text to variable constanty returns null

hopefully one of you on this great site can help. I'm having issues with assigning a variable to a jQuery …

jquery ajax variables responsetext
Get specific content off responseText

I am making an ajax call and I get the content from responseText. I confirm by using alert that inside, …

javascript xmlhttprequest element responsetext
Ajax - responseText working but responseXML null

I am trying my first AJAX and having a problem with my xml receiving function. I alert responseText and I …

php ajax responsetext
Why is responseText returning blank?

I have a database table whose fields contain latitude and longitude coordinates of positions. I want to create markers for …

jquery mysql ajax responsetext