Top "Get-childitem" questions

Get-ChildItem is a powershell cmdlet that gets the items and child items in one or more specified locations.

Powershell Get-ChildItem -recurse doesn't get all items

I'm working on a powershell script erase certain files from a folder, and move the rest into predefined subfolders. My …

powershell recursion delete-file subdirectory get-childitem
Powershell - using wildcards to search for filename

I am trying to make a PowerShell script that will search a folder for a filename that contains a certain …

variables powershell wildcard get-childitem
Recyclerview, I can't get item view with getChildAt(position). Null object reference

I am using a recyclerView inside my navigation drawer and I am using this library Twoway-view to get click and …

android android-recyclerview get-childitem
select second or third object / element

I want to select the second/third/forth object of a Get-ChildItem statement in my PowerShell script. This gives me …

powershell get-childitem
Combine the results of two distinct Get-ChildItem calls into single variable to do the same processing on them

I'm trying to write a PowerShell script to build a list of files, from several directories. After all directories have …

arrays powershell get-childitem
Confused with -Include parameter of the Get-ChildItem cmdlet

From documentation: -Include Retrieves only the specified items. The value of this parameter qualifies the Path parameter. Enter a path …

powershell include get-childitem
Copy files where lastwritetime -ge 3/26/2010 9:00pm with Powershell

I need to copy files in one directory to another directory where the lastwritetime is greater than or equal to 3/26/2010 9:00…

powershell-2.0 get-childitem
Powershell script to count specific files in directories & subdirectories

I am trying to make a powershell script which will count all the .xml files in directories & subdirectories and …

powershell count get-childitem
How do I merge two "lists" in PowerShell when one list might be just one item from Get-Item?

I am using Get-ChildItem to fetch locally installed certs. Then I'd like to delete these certs from my local certificate …

powershell get-childitem
How to write a PowerShell function to get directories?

Using PowerShell I can get the directories with the following command: Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Include "obj" -Recurse | ` Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer } I …

powershell directory get-childitem