A generator is a generalisation of a subroutine, primarily used to simplify the writing of iterators.
Python's pickle (I'm talking standard Python 2.5/2.6/2.7 here) cannot pickle locks, file objects etc. It also cannot pickle generators and lambda …
python generator pickle python-stacklessI'm trying to figure out how to get the value of a promise via yield, possibly with "co": function *(){ var …
javascript node.js generator ecmascript-harmony coI want to write a Python generator function that never actually yields anything. Basically it's a "do-nothing" drop-in that can …
python generator yieldI tried below function use co and javascript promise test, the fulfill will success return but reject not, and catch …
javascript node.js promise generator coI'm working with a client that needs to generate millions of the alphanumeric codes used in magazine scratch-off cards, bottlecap …
php mysql random generator serial-number