A generator is a generalisation of a subroutine, primarily used to simplify the writing of iterators.
Given the provided (very simple) generator, is it possible to return the generator back to its original state to use …
javascript generator ecmascript-harmony ecmascript-6I'm wrapping my head around the new ecma6 generators and yield-operator in javascript, specifically in the context of koa. Consider …
javascript asynchronous generator koaPEP 342 (Coroutines via Enhanced Generators) added a throw() method to generator objects, which allows the caller to raise an exception …
python generator throwI have gone through the page https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.mock-examples.html and i see that they have …
python generator nose python-unittest python-mockHaving just moved from thunks to sagas I'm trying to find the best way to call setTimeout and then from …
generator redux-sagawe are developing a website cms in C# and want to integrate / develop a small and simple color scheme generator …
c# colors controls generator color-theoryIs there a one-line expression for: for thing in generator: yield thing I tried yield generator to no avail.
python python-2.7 generator yieldIs it possible to run nose test generators inside custom classes? I am trying to convert the example into a …
python generator noseThe Scipy minimization function (just to use as an example), has the option of adding a callback function at each …
python generator coroutine