Top "Gearman" questions

Gearman is a system to farm out work to other machines, dispatching function calls to machines that are better suited to do work, to do work in parallel, to load balance lots of function calls, or to call functions between languages.

Rabbitmq or Gearman - choosing a jobs queue

At work, we need to build a jobs server for things like sending emails, building PDFs, crunching some data, etc. …

message-queue rabbitmq celery gearman
How To Update Boost When Yum Has the Outdated Version

I am trying to install the latest version of Gearman. However, it keeps giving me the error: Checking for Boost …

boost centos yum gearman
How to install Gearman with PHP Extension

I'm trying to install Gearman with PHP Extension to use it with PHP-CLI. I have a Debian 6.0.5 with php5-cli …

php compilation installation gearman
How can I get the number of queued jobs of a particular type in gearman?

I have a number of gearman clients sending a job, say job1. $client = new GearmanClient(); $client->addServer(); $client->…

php gearman
Gearman gearadmin command line tool status output meaning

I am unable to find any documentation on the meaning of the gearadmin command line tool with the '--status' option. …

php gearman
Have Supervisord Periodically restart child processes

I am using Supervisor (3.0a12) on ubuntu 12.04 to manage php gearman workers. Sometimes the workers get caught in a weird …

php python gearman supervisord
Remove all Gearman jobs from the Gearman Job Server

Is there a way to remove all Gearman jobs from the Gearman Job Server? I have a PHP application that …

php unit-testing gearman
Stopping gearman workers nicely

I have a number of Gearman workers running constantly, saving things like records of user page views, etc. Occasionally, I'll …

php gearman
Changing Pecl installation directory

Hi i'm having trouble with pecl installation, the problem i'm having is i'm installing gearman , and i'm now at the …

linux installation pear pecl gearman
Gearman , php extension problem : Class 'GearmanWorker' not found in .. using terminal but works on browser

I've installed gearman on ubuntu 10.04 recently and installed it's pecl extension. Now , when I run a php file in the …

php linux unix ubuntu gearman