Functional testing is a quality assurance (QA) process and a type of black box testing that bases its test cases on the specifications of the software component under test.
I have seen a couple questions online related to this issue (How to set default browser window size in Protractor/…
angularjs window functional-testing protractori'm trying to assert/verify multiple elements for an attribute with Nightwatch.js. I tried to use the "elements" command …
javascript selenium accessibility functional-testing nightwatch.jsAs we know, TDD means "write the test first, and then write the code". And when it comes to unit-testing, …
unit-testing tdd functional-testingI would say that all three are the same, but I wonder if there is small differences between them. In …
functional-testing e2e-testing gui-testingThis works $this->assertEquals(1, $crawler->filter('.elementClass')->count()); // filter by class But, this doesn't seem …
symfony phpunit functional-testingI've recently gone whole-hog with Dagger because the concept of DI makes complete sense. One of the nicer "by-products" of …
android dependency-injection functional-testing dagger android-espressoI'm hoping to use KIF to write functional tests for our iphone app. It uses "accessibility labels" to identify the …
iphone xcode4 accessibility functional-testingAfter 3 years of procrastination today is the day that I start testing my Rails apps. My first step is to …
ruby-on-rails testing functional-testing deviseI am writing an app where it is desirable to check if a view does not have some functionality - …
ruby-on-rails functional-testingI am writing functional tests and dealing with a modal window that fades in and out. What is the difference …
grails functional-testing spock geb