A function pointer is a pointer to a function, which can be stored in a variable.
If I use the inline function in MATLAB I can create a single function name that could respond differently depending …
string matlab function-pointers function-handleI am using luabind as my lua to C++ wrapper. Luabind offers a method to use my own callback function …
c++ casting function-pointers luabindI cannot figure this out: int main() { int (*) (int *) = 5; return 0; } The above assignment compiles with g++ c++11. I know that …
c++ pointers function-pointersWhen implementing polymorphic behavior in C++ one can either use a pure virtual method or one can use function pointers (…
c++ function-pointers virtual-functionsHow to pass a method as a parameter using lambdas is discussed here: Java Pass Method as Parameter In other …
java lambda function-pointers function-bindingI have a general question about a threads and callbacks. Say for example we have a thread running continuously along …
c++ multithreading callback function-pointers callstackPossible Duplicate: Using a C++ class member function as a C callback function I'm writing an object-oriented library using a …
c++ c function-pointers winpcap calling-conventionIn the code below, function-pointer and what i considered as "function-reference" seems to have identical semantics: #include <iostream> …
c++ function pointers reference function-pointersfloat __stdcall (*pFunc)(float a, float b) = (float (__stdcall *)(float,float))0x411280; How to declare a function pointer with calling …
c function function-pointers calling-conventionWhy is operator () of stateless functor not allowed to be static? Stateless lambda objects are convertible to pointers to free …
c++ lambda function-pointers c++14 functor