Top "Foursquare" questions

Location based social networking website.

How do popular apps authenticate user requests from their mobile app to their server?

Say I have an Android application that connects to a .Net API for receiving/setting data. The confusion that I …

android facebook authentication foursquare
Call to undefined function curl_init()

Possible Duplicate: curl_init() function not working I am using PHP for accessing the Foursquare API. I have set up …

php foursquare
How do I parse URL params after a hash with Angularjs?

I'm trying to parse for the access_token from Foursquare where the URL is like this:…

javascript angularjs url foursquare angularjs-routing
PHP foreach array with stdClass Object

I need help trying to get values inside array and stdClass Object. FYI: I'm using foursquare API... I have something …

php arrays object multidimensional-array foursquare
Httplib2 ssl error

Today I faced one interesting issue. I'm using the foursquare recommended python library httplib2 raise SSLHandshakeError(SSLError(1, '_ssl.c:504: …

python foursquare httplib2
How to use ruby to parse the json response given by foursquare API

I am using foursquare API to search for a particular venue. I use the following url:…

json api foursquare
What am I missing? RestSharp won't deserialize Json

I am trying to turn a json response back from foursquare into objects. I get something like this back { "meta":{ "…

c# json foursquare restsharp
OAuth not working inside an iframe

I have built a Fiddle on JSFiddle which retrieves an OAuth access token via Foursquare's "token" response type. One or …

html api iframe oauth foursquare
Use of FourSquare API to find nearby places in iOS SDK

How to use Foursquare API to find nearby places in iOS Applications. As I am new in this environment.. So …

iphone objective-c ipad foursquare
Parsing JSON response in Android

I am writing a httpget request for android that queries the foursquare api for nearby event. The JSON responce I …

android json foursquare