Top "Fortran90" questions

The standardized successor to FORTRAN 77, released as an ISO standard in 1991 and an ANSI Standard in 1992.

Converting a string to an integer in Fortran 90

I know that IACHAR(s) returns the code for the ASCII character in the first character position of the string …

string integer fortran character fortran90
How can gfortran tell if I am compiling f90 or f95 code?

I understand gfortran can compile f90 or f95? How does it know which one it is compiling? Also can it …

fortran fortran90 gfortran fortran77
Debugging with gdb and gfortran - FPE's

I'm debugging a larger numerical program that I have added on to. It is written in fortran90, compiled with gfortran (…

gdb fortran fortran90 gfortran
How to increase array size on-the-fly in Fortran?

My program is running though 3D array, labelling 'clusters' that it finds and then doing some checks to see if …

arrays fortran fortran90 dynamic-arrays
How to check if Fortran array contains value?

I've seen this asked for other languages, but having just found out how nicely Fortran can handle arrays, I thought …

arrays if-statement fortran where fortran90
Skip a line from text file in Fortran90

I'm writing in fortran (90). My program must read file1, do something with every line of it and write result to …

fortran fortran90
Format string for output dependent on a variable

I would like to have a Fortran write statement formatted to depend on some variable. For example, I could write: …

formatting fortran fortran90 intel-fortran
Can not install gfortran via homebrew

I got this message when i tried to install gfortran. ~$ brew install gfortran Error: No available formula for gfortran GNU …

fortran homebrew fortran90 gfortran
Error: Invalid character in name at (1)

I am trying to compile a fortran file along with some .h files in FORTRAN. The .h files contain definition …

gcc fortran fortran90 gfortran mixed
How to get proper text-color-highlighting for Fortran 90 in Sublime Text 2?

There are a couple of links on sublime forum, on how to get Sublime Text 2 to work with Fortran 90 here …

fortran sublimetext2 fortran90