I know that IACHAR(s)
returns the code for the ASCII character in the first character position of the string s, but I need to convert the entire string to an integer. I also have a few number of strings (around 30 strings, each consists of at most 20 characters). Is there any way to convert each one of them to a unique integer in Fortran 90?
You can read
a string into an integer variable:
module str2int_mod
elemental subroutine str2int(str,int,stat)
implicit none
! Arguments
character(len=*),intent(in) :: str
integer,intent(out) :: int
integer,intent(out) :: stat
read(str,*,iostat=stat) int
end subroutine str2int
end module
program test
use str2int_mod
character(len=20) :: str(3)
integer :: int(3), stat(3)
str(1) = '123' ! Valid integer
str(2) = '-1' ! Also valid
str(3) = 'one' ! invalid
call str2int(str,int,stat)
do i=1,3
if ( stat(i) == 0 ) then
print *,i,int(i)
print *,'Conversion of string ',i,' failed!'
end program