Top "Formpanel" questions

A panel that wraps its contents in an HTML <FORM> element.

Align components in the center in a Panel: EXT JS

I am new to ext JS and I am tryin gto place 3 components in a FormPanel but I don't know …

extjs formpanel
how to stretch inner panel in windows form on full screen mode?

I have a windows application that run in full screen and there are some panels inside my form which I …

.net winforms fullscreen formpanel
Updating a value on an Ext.form.Panel

The following should be trivial, but I cannot get it to work: I have the following Ext.form.Panel: Ext.…

extjs sencha-touch store updates formpanel
ExtJS populate Ext.FormPanel with data from database (JSON)

I am using ExtJS (v3) and I have a form built that I want to populate so that a user …

javascript extjs extjs3 formpanel
extjs: open a new window when FormPanel submit function is used

Heya, i'm creating a Formpanel: inputForm = new Ext.FormPanel({ id:'inputForm', frame: true, closable:true, collapsible:true, renderTo:'somewhere', layout:…

extjs window submit new-operator formpanel
Extjs - Dynamically generate fields in a FormPanel

I've got a script that generates a form panel: var form = new Ext.FormPanel({ id: 'form-exploit-zombie-' + zombie_ip, formId: 'form-exploit-zombie-' + …

javascript forms dynamic extjs formpanel
Extjs submit multipe tabpanel inside a Formpanel

Hi im looking for a way to submit a form that contains multiple tabbed forms. The user must be able …

post extjs tabs submit formpanel
How can I get a FormPanel to POST JSON with ExtJS 3.1.0?

By default, a FormPanel in ExtJS 3.1.0 posts the form fields as application/x-www-form-urlencoded when you call its submit() function. Is …

rest extjs form-post formpanel