Align components in the center in a Panel: EXT JS

Ajan picture Ajan · Jul 6, 2011 · Viewed 33k times · Source

I am new to ext JS and I am tryin gto place 3 components in a FormPanel but I don't know ho wto align them in the center.

Here is my code

var durationForm = new Ext.FormPanel({
        border      : false,
        labelAlign  : 'top',
        frame       : true,
        bodyStyle   : 'padding-left:475px;',
        items: [{
          items: [{
            rowWidth    : .5,
            layout      :'column',
                    columnWidth     : .13,
                    layout          : 'form',
                    items           : [getNewLabel('<br/><font size="3">Duration: </font>')]
                    columnWidth     : .20,
                    layout          : 'form',
                    items           : [fromDate()]
                    columnWidth     : .17,
                    layout          : 'form',
                    items           : [toDate()]


This shows output like this enter image description here

But I want components to be align in the center of the panel. Anyone know how to do it?


DMS picture DMS · Jun 10, 2013

I have solved this problem by using 'table' layout:

    layout : 'fit', // parent panel should have 'fit' layout 
    items : [ // and only one item
            xtype : 'panel',
            border : false, // optional
            layout : {
                type : 'table',
                columns : 1, 
                tableAttrs : {
                    style : {
                        width : '100%',
                        height : '100%'                                 
                tdAttrs : {
                    align : 'center',
                    valign : 'middle',
            items : [ // a single container for nested components
                    xtype : 'panel',
                    layout : 'fit',
                    cellId : 'cell_id', // this one will be placed as id for TD
                    items : [
                         {}, {}, {} // nested components