Top "Footer" questions

In programming, a page footer (or simply footer) is part of page that is separated from the main body and appears at the bottom of a page.

Word - How to stick text to the bottom of page I want to stick some text of the bottom of the page, …

text ms-word footer mergefield
making a div stick at the bottom on container div show/hide toggle?

my main container div can be refreshed, so its content is being hide/shown. When my container div is hide, …

css html footer sticky-footer
CSS Floating Footer

I want to make a footer that stays at the bottom of the viewable window UNLESS it butts up against …

css footer
dompdf: How to add header on every page except first?

I'm using dompdf to generate a PDF. I've grabbed the code from the dompdf website to add a Header to …

pdf header footer dompdf
How do I create a header or footer button bar for my Android application

Many popular apps like Google Maps, Facebook, Foursquare, etc. have header and/or footer bars on most of their activities. …

android xml android-layout header footer
Footer on last printed page

I have a web page that a client would like to print, and the part I'm having trouble getting my …

css printing footer
How to keep same header/footer across pages in jQueryMobile?

Is there an easy method to keep the same header/footer while navigating jQueryMobile pages? The only solutions I came …

jquery jquery-mobile layout footer
Adding text before footer in wordpress

I've been reading the wordpress codex and it seems that if I want to add some text just before the …

wordpress footer
Forcing Footer Stay At The Bottom?

I have no containers, no wrappers. I simply have a layout like so... <body> <div id="header"&…

html css height footer sticky-footer
Rails: how to add a header to every page

What is the standard way to add a header and footer to every view in a Rails app?

ruby-on-rails header footer code-standards