Top "Footer" questions

In programming, a page footer (or simply footer) is part of page that is separated from the main body and appears at the bottom of a page.

Android ListActivity - fixed header and footer

Is it possible to set header and footer at ListActivity to be fixed at the top and the bottom, so …

android header footer listactivity fixed
HTML footer problem

Is it possible to create a footer div that sits at the bottom of a site regardless of how much …

html footer
Listview - Footer at the bottom of screen

I have a ListView with a footer added with listview.addFooterView(footerView); All works as expected excepted in one case: …

android listview layout footer
A true sticky footer with a fixed header?

First of all, please read this whole question so you can fully understand what i am looking for, Thanks! This …

html css footer sticky-footer
How to remove the bottom divider of the footer in an android listview

As simple as that. Of course using android:footerDividersEnabled="false" wont work on this one, cause it will remove both …

android listview footer divider
HTML5 nav element inside footer

I've read in several places that there's no need to use <nav> inside <footer> when all …

html footer nav
How implement sticky footer in recyclerview

I have RecyclerView and I need next behavior: if there are a lot of items (more then fits screen) - …

android android-recyclerview footer
background css 100% width horizontal scroll issue

I am facing this issue when i scroll the window to horizontal then the footer and header breaks. Please help …

css width footer background-color horizontal-scrolling
Can jqGrid summary footer be populated without userdata server request?

I have poured through every question asked on this website related to populating the jqGrid summary footer WITHOUT the userdata …

jqgrid footer summary user-data