Top "Font-size" questions

A CSS property which sets the size of a font, as specified in one of several different units.

Increase code font size in firefox developer tool

How to increase code fonts in Firefox developer tools? I know that there is a zoom function but I want …

firefox font-size firefox-developer-tools
Android: application-wide font-size preference

Is it possible to make an application-wide setting for the font-size to be used by all views displaying text? I …

android preferences font-size
Change default font type/size in TinyMCE

How do you change the default font type and font size in TinyMCE? I'm using the advanced skin and I've …

tinymce default font-face font-size
JTextPane: How to set the font size

Please have a look at the following code import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.EventQueue; …

java swing document jtextpane font-size
aptana - changing font-size of code and turning on class assistant

I've recently moved from dreamweaver to aptana and tried to make aptana as similiar as possible;) Lots of changes are …

aptana font-size
change line height in sublime text default theme after changing the font-size

I found this link on stackoverflow: Sublime Text 2 how to change the font size of the file sidebar? I followed …

height sublimetext2 settings line font-size
Change font type and size of UIActionSheet title string

I have a UIActionSheet with title string "DO: These tasks". In the title string, the substring "DO:" should be Bold(…

iphone ios uiactionsheet font-size
Vertically align smaller bullets with larger text

I have a list with bullets. I made the bullets smaller by putting the li text inside a span and …

css list vertical-alignment font-size
Change default XTerm font size in Cygwin

Anyone know how to change the default font size when you open a new XTERM windown in Cygwin? I have …

configuration cygwin font-size xterm
how to set LaTeX font size in millimeter?

I need to set the font size in millimeters in my LaTeX document. how can I do that? thank you!

latex fonts size font-size