A CSS property which sets the size of a font, as specified in one of several different units.
Is it possible to detect the computed font-size of a DOM element, taking into consideration generic settings made elsewhere (In …
javascript jquery css ckeditor font-sizeI have created Spinner with the list of Font Sizes from "8" to "46" . I could be able to click the font …
android font-size android-fontsI have a complex js function with an equation in which I actually need to understand how much space in …
css fonts font-size pixels typographyI'm tweaking a web page so that it looks good on smart phones. I've declared a @media section in the …
css media-queries font-size smartphoneI've noticed in WPF, the default font size of 12 points is roughly equivalent to 9 points in "normal" applications (e.g. …
.net wpf font-sizeHow to get FontMetrics without use Graphics ? I want to get FontMetrics in constructor, now I do this way: BufferedImage …
java awt font-size fontmetricsHere is my problem, I want to know actual length of the text in pixels (note that various letters have …
delphi font-size column-width captionMy goal is to increase the size of "Revenue ($) " and "Years". But I do not know how. I am able …
java jfreechart font-size axis-labelsWhat is the easiest way to set the font size of the panorama item header once so it can be …
windows-phone-7 font-size panorama-control