Flutter-Test contains tests related to Flutter app including Unit tests, Widget test and end-to-end integration tests using Flutter-Driver.
I've just tried to install Flutter on Linux and when I try to run a flutter command (flutter doctor), I'm …
git flutter flutter-dependencies flutter-testWhen I perform a flutter run I get an error Target file "lib/main.dart" not found. Why is this …
flutter flutter-dependencies flutter-testCreated counter app with one floating action button. If i want to add one more button for reset the counter, …
dart flutter flutter-layout flutter-testI already had android studio and the android sdk installed,I later added flutter and flutter sdk. Here is my …
android flutter android-sdk-tools flutter-layout flutter-testI have just started using Flutter and i'm having this problem while running my code "Another exception was thrown: type …
flutter flutter-testI have an app, it is very simple and have just one widget. It is working fine, however when I …
dart flutter flutter-testI'm working on a Flutter web app and I'm having trouble running a test. Flutter 1.7.8+hotfix.4 • channel stable • git@github.…
flutter dart flutter-test flutter-webI'm having this issue when I've added http dependency in my flutter project. Can anyone please help me with it?
flutter flutter-dependencies flutter-testBeing a total beginner I am trying out various flutter feature and I am stuck at running the main.dart …
flutter-testLet's say, I have a test for a screen in Flutter using WidgetTester. There is a button, which executes a …
dart flutter flutter-test