Top "Flutter-test" questions

Flutter-Test contains tests related to Flutter app including Unit tests, Widget test and end-to-end integration tests using Flutter-Driver.

Navigation Undefined name Context

I am currently looking at Navigating withing different screens in my app and so far I can Navigate from LoginScreen …

dart flutter flutter-layout flutter-test
how to refresh state on Navigator.Pop or Push in flutter

Here I have two pages first is called BSP_signup_terms page and the second is Bsp_Service_page. when …

flutter flutter-layout flutter-dependencies flutter-test state-management
How to fully dump / print a variable to console in Flutter?

This is a follow-up to this Dart question. Since Flutter doesn't support reflection and we can't use mirrors, how would …

debugging flutter flutter-test
Device list doesn't shows in Android Studio using Flutter

I tried to develop app using Flutter(using Android studio IDE).Add flutter plugin & flutter SDK in studio and …

android flutter flutter-test
Is it possible to access children/parent widgets from a given widget, in a Flutter test?

I'm writing unit and integration tests for Flutter. Is it possible to access children/parent widgets from a given widget?

dart flutter flutter-test
How to wait for a future to complete in Flutter widget test?

I am trying to perform a widget test, specifically navigation test. I am using bloc architecture, setting a stream on …

dart flutter flutter-test
Flutter: Test that a specific exception is thrown

in short, throwsA(anything) does not suffice for me while unit testing in dart. How to I test for a …

dart flutter flutter-test
How to hide layout overflow message in flutter

I'm new for Flutter.Working with bottom sheet.Bottom sheet has normal constant height. it's height will increase based on …

android flutter flutter-test flutter-layout
Flutter error: Could not download bcprov-jdk15on.jar (org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.56)

I'm failing to run my first ever Flutter App. Getting the below error. Launching lib\main.dart on Android SDK …

flutter flutter-dependencies flutter-test
Flutter: Timer Issue During Testing

I have a periodic timer in one of my StatelessWidget's. Without going too much into detail, here is a snippet …

dart flutter flutter-test