Top "Flurry" questions

Flurry is a free, commercial service, owned by Yahoo, which provides monetization solutions for app publishers, anonymous usage statistics of apps and error/crash reports for apps on mobile devices.

Rewarded Video Ad in Admob - Mediation not Working

From my Admob, I have setup the mediation for Flurry and Vungle. When I request an Ad I am always …

android admob flurry interstitial vungle-ads
Flurry in iPhone App

Can I test the Flurry SDK in the iPhone simulator or should I test it in a device? How many …

iphone flurry
Flurry does not log anything in android

I have implemented flurry before. It was working fine. Today with new version of sdk, flurry does not log any …

android analytics flurry
Cocoapods - Flurry & TestFlight - Undefined symbols for architecture

I'm upgrading my project to use Cocoapods and when I try building my project for an iOS device or for …

xcode linker-errors flurry testflight cocoapods
Event Parameters in Flurry Analytics; iPhone app

Trying to get Flurry analytics working in my iPhone app. I begin a timed event like this: NSMutableDictionary *eventDict = [NSMutableDictionary …

iphone flurry
How does Flurry provide a free analytics service? Android

Before I add the Flurry library into my .APK, I'd like to know how are they able to provide a …

android analytics flurry
Flurry alternative

Is there a good alternative for Flurry ? I use it because it is simple to integrate, but i'm not so …

iphone analytics tracking usage-statistics flurry
Unable to upload iOS update after adding Flurry Analytics? Error: Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries

In my Swift iOS application I've just added Flurry Analytics by creating a briding-header.h and importing Flurry.h. I …

ios xcode flurry flurry-analytics
Class 'MyApplication' is never used

After I successfully integrated flurry SDK into the library by using this code in my build.gradle file. compile 'com.…

java android flurry
Flurry error reporting vs other error reporting services such as Crittercism & Crashlytics etc

We are evaluating various error reporting services for iOS and Android apps. Our app uses webservices to connect to the …

flurry crashlytics crittercism