Top "Flask-restful" questions

Flask-RESTful provides an extension to Flask for building REST APIs.

EXCEPTION: Response with status: 0 for URL: null in angular2

I'm getting following exception, when I'm trying to connect to remote API using anguar2 http. Also my web server is …

angular flask flask-restful
Python - How to run multiple flask apps from same client machine

I have one flask application script as given below : from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/<string:…

python python-3.x flask flask-restful
'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

I am creating an ios app that uses a server written in flask + python, and when I make a connection …

python rest flask flask-restful
Flask - access the request in after_request or teardown_request

I want to be able to access the request object before I return the response of the HTTP call. I …

python flask flask-restful
Got Failed to decode JSON object when calling a POST request in flask python

I have written a simple REST-ful web server in python with flask following steps in this tutorial; but I've got …

python json flask webserver flask-restful
flask-sqlalchemy: AttributeError: type object has no attribute 'query', works in ipython

I'm creating a new flask app using flask-sqlalchemy and flask-restful with Python 3.4. I've defined my User model as such: from …

python flask flask-sqlalchemy flask-restful
Nested validation with the flask-restful RequestParser

Using the flask-restful micro-framework, I am having trouble constructing a RequestParser that will validate nested resources. Assuming an expected JSON …

python rest flask flask-restful
Custom error message json object with flask-restful

It is easy to propagate error messages with flask-restful to the client with the abort() method, such as abort(500, message="…

flask werkzeug flask-restful
Flask-restful - Custom error handling

I want to define custom error handling for a Flask-restful API. The suggested approach in the documentation here is to …

python flask flask-restful
Flask-restful API Authorization. Access current_identity inside decorator

I use flask-restful to create my APIs. I have used flask-jwt for enabling authentication based on JWT. Now I need …

python flask flask-restful flask-jwt