Top "Flask-jwt" questions

JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for Flask applications.

Internal Redirect in Flask

In short: By only using the Flask micro-framework (and its dependencies) can we perform an internal redirect from one route …

python flask registration flask-jwt
Flask-restful API Authorization. Access current_identity inside decorator

I use flask-restful to create my APIs. I have used flask-jwt for enabling authentication based on JWT. Now I need …

python flask flask-restful flask-jwt
On logout invalidate flask-JWT

I have generated Flask-JWT token for user authentication, but on logout i want to invalidate token. Now it's allowing to …

python jwt flask-jwt
flask-jwt-extended: Fake Authorization Header during testing (pytest)

This is the function I wish to test @jwt_required def get_all_projects(self): # implementation not included here I …

python flask pytest flask-jwt flask-jwt-extended