Top "Flask-restful" questions

Flask-RESTful provides an extension to Flask for building REST APIs.

How to parse the POST argument to a REST service?

It seems I have another JSON problem, this time when posting to the REST service. I am using Flask-Restful. api.…

python json rest flask flask-restful
How do I use flask.url_for() with flask-restful?

I have setup Flask restful like this: api = Api(app, decorators=[csrf_protect.exempt]) api.add_resource(FTRecordsAPI, '/api/…

python flask flask-restful
"Not enough segments" when seding a GET message with Bearer Token Authorization Header (flask_restful + flask_jwt_extended)

I got this error in Flask Application: curl -H "Authorization: Bearer TGazPL9rf3aIftplCYDTGDc8cbTd" { "msg": "Not enough segments" } …

flask flask-restful jwt-auth flask-jwt-extended pyjwt
flask-RESTful vs flask-RESTless, which should be used, and when

What are the key differences of these two libraries.In terms of usability, and features If you already have a …

python rest flask flask-restful flask-restless
react frontend connecting to flask backend Howto

I have a ReactJS front end and a flask backend and I am having difficulties making both talk to each …

javascript python reactjs flask flask-restful
Flask-Restful error: "as_view" method not inherited

I am writting a RESTful API using the Flask framework and the Flask-RESTful plugin. I define my API classes on …

python python-2.7 flask flask-restful
Flask-Restful POST fails due CSRF protection of Flask-WTF

I am using normal flask web + flask-restful. So I need CSRF protection for web but not for REST. The moment …

python rest flask flask-wtforms flask-restful
Flask restful pagination

I need to throw together an very simple API with a short deadline. Flask-restful seems ideal except for one thing: …

python flask flask-restful
TypeError: <Response 36 bytes [200 OK]> is not JSON serializable

I am writing web service using restful flask. The below code giving me this error - TypeError: is not JSON …

python flask flask-restful
What is the datetime format for flask-restful parser?

Let's say that I have following parser inside my get method: from flask.ext.restful import reqparse parser = reqparse.RequestParser() …

python datetime flask flask-restful