Top "Firebase-remote-config" questions

Firebase Remote Config allows developers to optimize and customize their iOS, Android and Web apps on the fly.

Default FirebaseApp is not initialized

We're seeing a few exceptions with the message Default FirebaseApp is not initialized in this process Make …

android firebase-remote-config
Firebase Remote Config: Can't read any values, but fetch is successful

I'm trying to have a remote config parameter using the new Remote Config feature of Firebase, and I'm having an …

android firebase firebase-remote-config
Firebase remote config cache expiration time in release

I'm trying to setup firebase remote config for release mode by setting developer mode to false. But with cache expiration …

android firebase firebase-remote-config
FirebaseRemoteConfig Error "No value of type 'String' exists for parameter key"

I am using Firebase Core and some other Features, but not Remote Config. Multiple times a second the following Output …

android firebase firebase-remote-config
Firebase Remote Config fetch doesn't update values from the Cloud

I'm trying to set up Firebase Remote Config for my project. I added Firebase via the Assistant. I added values …

android xml firebase firebase-remote-config
How to clone an existing Firebase project data to another new project?

I want to clone an existing Firebase project, lets name it ProjectA that previously exists on Firebase console with some …

firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-remote-config
Can I initialize Firebase without using google-services.json?

EDIT: I should emphasize, I have flavors, for which I don't want to use any of these Google services, and …

android firebase firebase-remote-config
Firebase Remote Config feature for web app (after Firebase expansion)

I am building a web application with Firebase and I saw they released their expansion with all great new features. …

web-applications firebase firebase-remote-config
FirebaseRemoteConfig.fetch() does not trigger OnCompleteListener every time

I'm trying to implement Firebase Remote Config : override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { val configSettings = FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings.Builder().setDeveloperModeEnabled(BuildConfig.DEBUG).build() …

android firebase firebase-remote-config
Can I declare an array to Firebase Remote config?

I am a novice to Android and Firebase. Is it possible to declare an array inside the the Parameter key …

android firebase firebase-remote-config