Top "Firebase-realtime-database" questions

Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud hosted, NoSQL, JSON database that provides offline caching and synchronization.

Firebase persistence, clear Firebase cache

My app uses Firebase to sync and restore data. I use the setValue:withCompletionBlock: method to insert, update and delete …

ios objective-c firebase firebase-realtime-database persistence
How to assign an initial value to Subject RxJS observable?

I'm developing an Angular 2 app, I need make changeable the order of my columns in a List, clicking on the …

angular firebase firebase-realtime-database rxjs angularfire2
Is Firebase an all-purpose database?

I've been reading about Firebase and playing with it for a short while. The idea (BAAS) and implementation are impressive, …

firebase firebase-realtime-database backend dbaas
Wait for Firebase to load before returning from a function

I have a simple function loading data from Firebase. func loadFromFireBase() -> Array<Song>? { var songArray:Array&…

ios swift firebase firebase-realtime-database completionhandler
Firebase rate limiting in security rules?

I launched my first open repository project, EphChat, and people promptly started flooding it with requests. Does Firebase have a …

firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-security rate-limiting
I can't find populateViewHolder Method in FirebaseRecyclerAdapter class

I want to use FirebaseRecyclerAdapter in my project and I used this code segment in a previous Project FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<…

android firebase firebase-realtime-database firebaseui
Error shows 'cannot find module firebase-functions' when deploying a firebase project

When I am trying to deploy a firebase project it shows an error message 'cannot find module firebase-functions' in npm …

node.js firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-authentication firebase-hosting
Generate private key firebase admin sdk

i'm very new with firebase. I need private key to accessing firebase admin sdk for my backend. Actually, my company …

firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-admin
How to switch between two firebase projects in cloud functions?

I have two Firebase projects one for the development of another for production. How do I switch between them in …

firebase firebase-realtime-database google-cloud-functions firebase-tools
geofire android to store and retrive locations and display it on map

I am developing an taxi application in android. I need to store retrieve and update location of my cabs and …

android android-studio firebase firebase-realtime-database geofire