Top "Firebase-cloud-messaging" questions

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is the new version of GCM.

Firebase Cloud Messaging - "success" and "failure" in response JSON

I use Firebase Cloud Messaging to deliver notifications to my Android client apps, each notification should be sent to a …

android json firebase firebase-cloud-messaging firebase-notifications
Unable to start receiver

My app integrates FCM to receive push notifications and it works okay. However, I am facing issue that on installation …

android firebase firebase-cloud-messaging illegalstateexception runtimeexception
Firebase (FCM) Failed to fetch APNS token Error Domain=com.firebase.iid Code=1001

I'm trying to use FCM for notification. But <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> Failed to fetch APNS token Error Domain=com.…

ios swift firebase firebase-cloud-messaging firebase-notifications
FCM give success but Notification is not received by device in Ionic V1

I am using FIREBASE CLOUD MESSAGING service with my ionic product and phonegap-plugin-push cordova plugin to get push notification from …

php cordova ionic-framework firebase-cloud-messaging phonegap-pushplugin
Pushsharp 4.0 with Firebase

After reading lot of post I could not find a complete example how to send GCM push notifications using Pushsharp 4.0 …

firebase firebase-cloud-messaging pushsharp
How to address android lint complaint about exported Firebase Messaging service implementations?

Following the Google developer instructions on implementing Firebase in my app, I notice that android lint complains. The idea is …

android firebase android-service firebase-cloud-messaging android-lint