Top "Firebase-cloud-messaging" questions

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is the new version of GCM.

How to get push message events like click,close,show with firebase cloud messaging

Trying to implement web push notifications using FCM. I am able to receive push message with payload on browser using …

javascript firebase-cloud-messaging web-push
Firebase Cloud Messaging's getToken() only works if I omit the usePublicVapidKey method, why?

I'm having a specific issue with the implementation of Firebase for Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM): As you can see in …

javascript firebase firebase-cloud-messaging vapid
Firebase listener when app is in the background

I have a Firebase childAdded event listener for the notifications table in my app that I would like to trigger …

ios swift firebase firebase-cloud-messaging unnotificationrequest
Firebase chat Push Notifications

I am developing a chat app using Firebase as backend. It is required that on every new message receiver gets …

ios push-notification firebase firebase-cloud-messaging firebase-notifications
How to send Push Notification With Custom Click Action From Firebase Console

I'm going to send push notification with custom click action to set onClick of notification to open an exact Activity …

android firebase firebase-cloud-messaging payload firebase-console
How to find out the Notification channel Id from RemoteMessage

I registered notification channel in Android app following GoogleSamples However how can I get notification …

android firebase firebase-cloud-messaging android-8.0-oreo
Angular 5 + Firebase: Namespace 'firebase.auth' has no exported member 'IdTokenResult'

I am currently work on web project using Angular 5 and I want to integrate the Firebase Cloud Messaging to send …

firebase firebase-cloud-messaging angular5 google-cloud-functions angular-cli-v6
How can we use FCM Service Worker with a existing Service Worker?

We are creating a PWA web app and currently, we are using sw-precache library for generating service worker file, which …

angular firebase-cloud-messaging service-worker angular-service-worker
Firebase handleIntent AbstractMethodError

When I receive a push notification on Android, I get the below error. I can't really seem to find any …

android firebase push-notification firebase-cloud-messaging
Could not find

Hi i started a new project in android and imported firebase as told in google docs. Everything was perfect in …

android firebase-cloud-messaging google-play-services