Top "Firebase-cloud-messaging" questions

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is the new version of GCM.

Push notification not showing in Android foreground

I've used react-native-fcm for remote notification in android and iPhone. react-native-fcm In Android foreground I'm not be able to getting …

android react-native firebase-cloud-messaging react-native-firebase remote-notifications
I am not able to receive data notification iOS swift 3

I am following sampler project provided by firebase. Firebase Cloud Messaging sammple My app delegate is import UIKit import Firebase …

ios firebase swift3 firebase-cloud-messaging xcode8.2
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) - HTTP V1 API or Legacy HTTP API?

Our goal is sending notifications to groups of devices from our backend, and only from server side is possible to …

firebase push-notification firebase-cloud-messaging visual-studio-app-center
iOS: Invalid registration token. Check the token format

I am new for Firebase as well as for iOS. I am trying to send push notification using FCM. I …

ios firebase firebase-cloud-messaging firebase-notifications
Firebase Messaging - Create Heads-Up display when app in background

With FCM I receive push notifications in the system tray when the app is in the background or not running. …

android android-notifications firebase-cloud-messaging heads-up-notifications
Can we do web push notifications in chrome without using GCM/FCM?

I am trying to do web push notifications in Chrome without using GCM/FCM. Is it possible? I'm not able …

google-chrome push-notification google-cloud-messaging firebase-cloud-messaging web-push
Can FCM notification on Android overwrite previous one?

I'm using FCM to send notifications to Android devices. When the app is in background, if I send 10 notifications, the …

android firebase android-notifications firebase-cloud-messaging firebase-notifications
FCM: Cannot click notification

I'm using the recently release FCM messaging support for push notifications on the chrome. When my app is in the …

firebase push-notification firebase-cloud-messaging service-worker web-push
FCM topic - Cannot subscribe to topic: xxx with token: (null) - iOS

I'm getting this error from Firebase Messaging API: [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM002010] Cannot subscribe to topic: /topics/testTopic with token: (null) …

ios swift firebase firebase-cloud-messaging
How to open dynamic links using Firebase notifications?

I am trying to implement Firebase notifications for our android app. I have also implemented Dynamic Links in the app. …

android firebase firebase-cloud-messaging deep-linking firebase-dynamic-links