Top "Fileoutputstream" questions

FileOutputStream is a Java class used to write bytes directly to a File or to a FileDescriptor.

FileOutputStream access is denied : JAVA

I have the following code with the iText library properly integrated. import*; import com.itextpdf.text.*; import com.…

java fileoutputstream
Read/write file to internal private storage

I'm porting the application from Symbian/iPhone to Android, part of which is saving some data into file. I used …

android file-io fileoutputstream fileinputstream android-file
Close a file created with FileOutputStream, for a next delete

I am currently facing some problem with a FileOutputStream in my Java code. Actually I am using a FileOutputStream for …

java delete-file fileoutputstream
Android FileOutputStream location save file

I have an app that saves into a file (internal storage) data input by the user and at startup it …

android save fileoutputstream
How can I let users access the internal storage directory of my app?

My app stores files in its internal storage directory (/Android/data/com.mycompany.myapp/files, as returned by getFilesDir()), and …

android file-permissions fileoutputstream
How to overwrite/reuse the existing output path for Hadoop jobs again and agian

I want to overwrite/reuse the existing output directory when I run my Hadoop job daily. Actually the output directory …

hadoop rewrite fileoutputstream
Java BufferedWriter, OutputStreamWriter able to write to closed FileOutputStream

I was expecting the following code to throw an exception when I goto write data to the Stream: File file = …

java fileoutputstream bufferedwriter
How do you play Android InputStream on MediaPlayer?

So I have a small audio file in my assets folder and I wanted to open a InputStream to write …

android file inputstream fileoutputstream
BitmapFactory.decodeFile returns null even image exists

Saving the file: FileOutputStream fo = null; try { fo = this.openFileOutput("test.png", Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.…

android bitmap imageview fileoutputstream
How do I write to a YAML file using SnakeYaml?

Consider the following code: public static void dumpObjectToYaml(String key, Object O, String path) throws IOException { Map<String, Object&…

java file output fileoutputstream snakeyaml