Top "Fileoutputstream" questions

FileOutputStream is a Java class used to write bytes directly to a File or to a FileDescriptor.

Java FileOutputStream Create File if not exists

Is there a way to use FileOutputStream in a way that if a file (String filename) does not exist, then …

java file file-io new-operator fileoutputstream
file.delete() returns false even though file.exists(), file.canRead(), file.canWrite(), file.canExecute() all return true

I'm trying to delete a file, after writing something in it, with FileOutputStream. This is the code I use for …

java file fileoutputstream
Android Error - Open Failed ENOENT

I am trying to save some block coverage using an array of integers that simply saves the number of times …

android eclipse fileoutputstream
How to write data with FileOutputStream without losing old data?

If you work with FileOutputStream methods, each time you write your file through this methods you've been lost your old …

java fileoutputstream
Android download binary file problems

I am having problems downloading a binary file (video) in my app from the internet. In Quicktime, If I download …

java android download httpurlconnection fileoutputstream
How to overwrite one property in .properties without overwriting the whole file?

Basically, I have to overwrite a certain property in a .properties file through a Java app, but when I use …

java properties fileoutputstream
How to write new line in Java FileOutputStream

I want to write a new line using a FileOutputStream; I have tried the following approaches, but none of them …

java newline fileoutputstream
How to decode base64 string and convert it into PDF/JPG and save it in storage

I would like to decode a base64 string and turn it into a file (as PDF/JPG) and save it …

java android base64 fileoutputstream
Get file name from FileOutputStream

Is there a way to get the file name from a FileOutputStream or from FileInputStream?

java io fileoutputstream
FileOutputStream crashes with "open failed: EISDIR (Is a directory)" error when downloading image

I'm trying to download an iamge from the internet, Here is the code: try { String imgURL = c.imgURL; String imgPATH = …

java fileoutputstream