Top "Filenames" questions

Filenames are metadata about a file; a string used to uniquely identify a file stored on the file system of a computer.

javascript url-safe filename-safe string

Looking for a regex/replace function to take a user inputted string say, "John Smith's Cool Page" and return a …

javascript regex string filenames
What characters allowed in file names on Android?

What special characters are allowed for file names on Android? ~!@#$%^&*()_+/\., Also, can I save file with Unicode name?

android filenames illegal-characters
Convert URL to normal windows filename Java

Is there a way to convert this: /C:/Users/David/Dropbox/My%20Programs/Java/Test/bin/myJar.jar into this?: …

java file url path filenames
Should Python class filenames also be camelCased?

I know that classes in Python are typically cased using camelCase. Is it also the normal convention to have the …

python naming-conventions filenames camelcasing
Git pull error: unable to create file (Invalid argument)

I am trying to sync remote repo with local repo but getting following errors. Some files (which have not extention) …

windows git filenames tortoisegit
How to apply a Git patch to a file with a different name and path?

I have two repositories. In one, I make changes to file ./hello.test. I commit the changes and create a …

git filenames patch git-patch git-am
Create new file but add number if filename already exists in bash

I found similar questions but not in Linux/Bash I want my script to create a file with a given …

linux bash filenames
Generate filename with creation date

I'm using dompdf to create and mail a PDF file to my mail and at the same time, save a .…

php datetime filenames dompdf
File in /etc/sudoers.d file not being read by sudo

I want to add a user in the sudoers file and I don't want to touch the original /etc/sudoers …

linux filenames sudoers
How to make a valid Windows filename from an arbitrary string?

I've got a string like "Foo: Bar" that I want to use as a filename, but on Windows the ":" char …

c# windows filenames