Top "Filenames" questions

Filenames are metadata about a file; a string used to uniquely identify a file stored on the file system of a computer.

Batch file script to remove special characters from filenames (Windows)

I have a large set of files, some of which contain special characters in the filename (e.g. ä,ö,%, and others). …

windows batch-file filenames gnupg file-rename
What is the best way to combine a path and a filename in C#/.NET?

What is the best way to combine a path with a filename? That is, given c:\foo and bar.txt, …

c# .net path filenames
Linux - Replacing spaces in the file names

I have a number of files in a folder, and I want to replace every space character in all file …

linux replace command filenames spaces
Generate unique file name with timestamp in batch script

In my .bat file I want to generate a unique name for files/directories based on date-time. e.g. Build-2009…

windows batch-file timestamp filenames
Is it possible to use "/" in a filename?

I know that this is not something that should ever be done, but is there a way to use the …

linux unix directory filenames slash
How to get a file in Windows with a colon in the filename?

I am getting errors from customers who are uploading files with a colon in the file name, i.e. C:/…

windows unix filenames colon
How to get file name from content-disposition

I Downloaded file as response of ajax. How to get file name and file type from content-disposition and display thumbnail …

javascript ajax filenames file-type content-disposition
Open file by filename wildcard

I have a directory of text files that all have the extension .txt. My goal is to print the contents …

python file filenames wildcard
C#: How would you make a unique filename by adding a number?

I would like to create a method which takes either a filename as a string or a FileInfo and adds …

c# unique filenames
How to get list of directories in Lua

I need a list of directory in LUA Suppose I have a directory path as "C:\Program Files" I need …

lua filenames directory-listing