Top "Illegal-characters" questions

any of various circumstances where an invalid or unexpected token causes errors, or otherwise invalidates a data stream

No visible cause for "Unexpected token ILLEGAL"

I'm getting this JavaScript error on my console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL This is my code: It's super simple, …

javascript syntax-error illegal-characters
Why am I getting X. in my column names when reading a data frame?

I asked a question about this a few months back, and I thought the answer had solved my problem, but …

r dataframe read.csv illegal-characters
How do I check for illegal characters in a path?

Is there a way to check if a String meant for a path has invalid characters, in .Net? I know …

.net path illegal-characters
What characters allowed in file names on Android?

What special characters are allowed for file names on Android? ~!@#$%^&*()_+/\., Also, can I save file with Unicode name?

android filenames illegal-characters
Replace chars if not match

I'm looking for a regular expression that removes illegal characters. But I don't know what the characters will be. For …

regex illegal-characters
Illegal Character error: '\u200b'

I'm making an Asteroid Field for an Asteroid Game in my Object Oriented Programming class and I am receiving an …

java netbeans illegal-characters
Specifying column names in a data.frame changes spaces to "."

Let's say I have a data.frame, like so: x <- c(1:10,1:10,1:10,1:10,1:10,1:10,1:10,1:10,1:10,1:10) df <- data.frame("Label 1"=x,"…

r dataframe names illegal-characters
How to remove bad path characters in Python?

What is the most cross platform way of removing bad path characters (e.g. "\" or ":" on Windows) in Python? Solution …

python path illegal-characters
Select multiple columns with dplyr::select() with numbers as names

Let's say I have the following data frame: a <- runif(10) dd <- …

r dplyr identifier illegal-characters
Why i get error "SyntaxError: illegal character"

If I use line: var colorsone = ["#F0F8FF", "#FAEBD7", "#00FFFF", #7FFFD4", #F0FFFF","#F5F5DC", "#FFE4C4", "#000000", "#FFEBCD", "#0000…

javascript jquery illegal-characters