Top "File-rename" questions

rename-file means changing name of a file

Win32 API for rename a file in C

If the source directory and the target directory, MoveFile would actually make a copy of the source file into the …

c winapi file-rename
Rename multiple files in Python

How can I rename the following files: abc_2000.jpg abc_2001.jpg abc_2004.jpg abc_2007.jpg into the following ones: year_2000.…

python file-rename
Rename file in DocumentDirectory

I have a PDF file in my DocumentDirectory. I want the user to be able to rename this PDF file …

ios swift file-rename
Renaming an image during the uploading PHP Mysql

Using the following code could someone explain to me how I can rename the image files to a misc name …

php mysql file-rename
Renaming Hidden and System files Command

I'm trying to figure out a way to rename Desktop.ini to *.ini and back again. The problem is I …

batch-file delete-file file-rename xcopy
Get the Perl rename utility instead of the built-in rename

Many sites (including various SO articles) talk about using "rename" using Perl expressions to rename files. This would be perfect, …

linux perl bash rename file-rename
Remove spaces from filenames in folder

I have a situation where I need to daily go over 400+ files in a folder on Xsan and replace spaces …

macos terminal finder file-rename
powershell Rename-Item fail to rename

My powershell script: $dst = 'C:\Temp' #Get all folders in $dst $folders = Get-ChildItem $dst | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer } foreach($folder in $folders) { $cnt = (…

powershell file-rename
How do I recursively rename folders with Powershell?

Recursive renaming files using PS is trivial (variation on example from Mike Ormond's blog): dir *_t*.gif -recurse | foreach { move-item …

powershell recursion file-rename
Batch script to remove parts of a filename

Help please! I need to remove time stamp and file number off of the filename using a windows batch script. …

batch-file file-rename windows-scripting batch-rename