Top "Faker" questions

An extension or library used in certain programming languages or frameworks (namely Ruby or Yii2) for generating fake data for debug purposes and testing.

FactoryGirl + Faker - same data being generated for every object in db seed data

I am using FactoryGirl and Faker to generate user objects in my seeds.rb file but for some reason the …

ruby-on-rails database factory-bot seeding faker
How to implement your own Faker provider in Laravel

I want to create a custom provider for Faker in Laravel (e.g. one for a random building name). Where …

php laravel faker laravel-seeding
ErrorException array to string conversion on migrate --seed

I'm trying to set up my very first laravel project however when I try to have artisan to seed the …

php laravel-5 database-migration faker artisan-migrate
Populate Django database

I'm developing a Django application which stores user information like their address, phone number, name, etc. I've worked with PHP's …

python mysql django database faker
How to get unique values from faker?

I would like to ask how to generate unique value from faker? I know this is a familiar question actually, …

php laravel faker laravel-8 laravel-factory
How to concatenate Faker's random first name and its last name to a full name in Laravel 5

I am trying to use Faker in Laravel 5. Now I need to create some users in my User table, I …

laravel random faker
SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '2008-03-30 02:56:12'

System Local PHP 5.6.19 App made with Laravel 5.0, using fzaninotto/Faker as seeder Mysql remote Remote MySQL Debian 8 with MariaDB 10.1.13-MariaDB-1~…

mysql datetime laravel-5 mariadb faker
Laravel Faker - What's the difference between create and make

I have the following code: $this->actingAs(factory('App\User')->create()); $thread = factory('App\Thread')->…

php laravel faker
Faker and Laravel 5

I'm trying to figure out if someone knows a way to perform this task. I am wanting to try and …

php laravel laravel-5 faker
Change faker gem phone number format

Is there a way to control the format of the Phone number generated by faker? When I call: Faker::PhoneNumber.…

ruby-on-rails ruby gem faker