SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '2008-03-30 02:56:12'

abkrim picture abkrim · May 13, 2016 · Viewed 10.5k times · Source

System Local PHP 5.6.19 App made with Laravel 5.0, using fzaninotto/Faker as seeder Mysql remote

Remote MySQL Debian 8 with MariaDB 10.1.13-MariaDB-1~jessie

Running seeder

php artisan migrate:reset; php artisan migrate; php artisan db:seed

After seeder add an indeterminate number of users (different each time the reproduction of the error) get error:

  SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '2008-03-30 02:56:12' for column 'created_at' at row 1 (S
  QL: insert into `users` (`type`, `name`, `email`, `nick`, `password`, `vat`, `address`, `zipcode`, `city`, `state`, `country`, `cr
  eated_at`, `updated_at`) values (customer, Adrian Santos, [email protected], rzavala12, y$Veqd2mkgRHtl6VKtYBV0yey77tVLo34.6THXqhtGRwg
  /Ea73/FhlK, 02058805Y, Plaça Abril, 85, 96º D, 44824, Vargas de San Pedro, 57431, San Roig, Huesca, ES, 2008-03-30 02:56:12, 2008-
  03-30 02:56:12))

Well.. date time it's 2008-03-30 02:56:12

A example of latest 3 users created with the seeder before get error:

INSERT INTO `users` (`id`,`type`,`email`,`nick`,`password`,`name`,`vat`,`address`,`zipcode`,`city`,`state`,`country`,`totals`,`remember_token`,`created_at`,`updated_at`) VALUES (15053,'buyer','[email protected]','celia657','$2y$10$P4SOJOAQHsC8W7ctJ5v1F.8loccYzjAW95ILwWZ1RzObNs01hKjr2','Bruno Aguado','71514876X','Paseo Corral, 1, Entre suelo 0º, 63362, La Saiz','58061','Navarrete de Ulla','Cádiz','ES',NULL,NULL,'2012-09-13 06:01:51','2012-09-13 06:01:51');
INSERT INTO `users` (`id`,`type`,`email`,`nick`,`password`,`name`,`vat`,`address`,`zipcode`,`city`,`state`,`country`,`totals`,`remember_token`,`created_at`,`updated_at`) VALUES (15052,'buyer','[email protected]','cristian126','$2y$10$fe2Hdh4p0bttNfo9uzwSe.L5OOzPwsm5p8g5.YhW5PAoxKcSObDta','Enrique Rivero','06604287K','Ronda Saul, 321, 8º C, 76264, San Álvarez de Arriba','11402','El Roybal Baja','Zamora','ES',NULL,NULL,'2007-11-14 16:39:41','2007-11-14 16:39:41');
INSERT INTO `users` (`id`,`type`,`email`,`nick`,`password`,`name`,`vat`,`address`,`zipcode`,`city`,`state`,`country`,`totals`,`remember_token`,`created_at`,`updated_at`) VALUES (15051,'buyer','[email protected]','aalmanza21','$2y$10$EA.NhWHuT8.nGoZjD18hqOKatHH3MbboY2DjZywlceH8K60spAe5m','Miriam Riojas','24055470T','Calle Soriano, 0, 75º A, 29744, L\' Montenegro','12236','As Martínez','Illes Balears','ES',NULL,NULL,'2013-03-25 23:15:50','2013-03-25 23:15:50');
INSERT INTO `users` (`id`,`type`,`email`,`nick`,`password`,`name`,`vat`,`address`,`zipcode`,`city`,`state`,`country`,`totals`,`remember_token`,`created_at`,`updated_at`) VALUES (15050,'buyer','[email protected]','mateo26','$2y$10$6.lFRsqEjXb1kdZOhAX7Cu1Xecgu1ZvAkhaADKcfSpEi6ODQM9nRK','Alonso Núñez','50161945A','Camino Ainara, 78, 65º A, 17155, L\' Ayala del Pozo','47226','Román de las Torres','Las Palmas','ES',NULL,NULL,'2016-05-12 11:00:01','2016-05-12 11:00:01');

Read some information, such MYSQL incorrect DATETIME format, How to make sql-mode=“NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION” permanent in MySQL my.cnf and verify mysql variables for this question.

MariaDB [(none)]> select @@GLOBAL.sql_mode;
select @@GLOBAL.sql_mode

| @@GLOBAL.sql_mode      |
MariaDB [(none)]> select @@SESSION.sql_mode;
select @@SESSION.sql_mode

| @@SESSION.sql_mode     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


abkrim picture abkrim · May 15, 2016

The question is simple. It is a problem concerning the "Daylight Saving Time"

By consulting the table for Daylight Saving Time Spain, and that date is the day indeed 27/03/2011 at 02:00 PM. Therefore, any date is a day that contains a time, between 02:00 and 02:59 will be a failure, because the clock is moved forward from 02:00 to 02:59.