Top "Fade" questions

Fade refers to the UI technique of having page elements gradually gain or lose visibility, usually in response to a user action.

JQuery help - animate background color

Using JQuery, what I want to do is create a function that when I call the function, it will fade …

javascript jquery highlighting fade background-color
jQuery cross fading two images on a loop!

I am having trouble working out how to get a simple fade in fade out loop to work. I am …

jquery image loops fade
Calculate a color fade

Given two colors and n steps, how can one calculate n colors including the two given colors that create a …

colors fade
Fade in animation while loading image Using Picasso

I want to show a fade effect when image is loading on Imageview. I am using picasso to cache image …

android fade picasso image-loading
How to fade out a NSView with animation?

This is as simple as can be so I can't for the life of me find what's wrong, I looked …

objective-c cocoa fade appkit nsviewanimation
Determine coordinates of a UITableViewCell while scrolling

My goal is to have the UITableViewCells fade in/out when they are approaching the bounds of the UITableView and …

iphone uitableview fade
iOS SDWebImage fade in new image

I've been using SDWebImage on my iPhone app to handle all of the image loading. I am using a placeholder …

ios image asynchronous fade sdwebimage
CSS3 - Fade between 'background-position' of a sprite image

I want to fade between 'background-position' of a sprite image only with CSS. I found a lot o tutorials but …

css image sprite fade background-position
Fading multiple elements simultaneously - jquery

I want to do the following: $(newPanel, prevBtn, nextBtn, infoPanel).fadeIn(200, function() { } these vars are divs created with jquery but …

jquery fade
fade in and fade out in pure javascript without jquery

Here I have a function that fades a square box with id="box" as soon as the page loads. I …

javascript fadein fade fadeout