Top "Fade" questions

Fade refers to the UI technique of having page elements gradually gain or lose visibility, usually in response to a user action.

Twitter Bootstrap - why is my modal as faded as the background?

So I'm using Twitter Bootstrap and I have a modal that slides down when the user clicks the "Register" button. …

javascript twitter-bootstrap modal-dialog fade
Fade in / fade out background color of an HTML element with Javascript (or jQuery)

I have a table whose row needs to be highlighted & then cleared. I'm using contextual classes to color the …

javascript jquery twitter-bootstrap fade
jQuery: fading in modal dialog

is it possible to smoothly fadein a jquery modal dialog? (can't find anything in the docs). i've tried fadeTo but …

jquery dialog modal-dialog fade
HTML/CSS - create alpha mask over image

I'd like to create an effect in a site I’m building where an image is masked by an overlay. …

javascript html css fade masking
How to do the image fade-in effect upon scroll (like

I'm wondering about the fade-in effect for images on (see for example) As you …

javascript animation fade effect
css fade in transition for block text when hovering image?

So this is my code and I was looking to use css3 transitions to fade in the text and background …

html css css-transitions fade
jquery fade out display:none

Why doesn't my jQuery fade out work. If I replace Out with In and None with Inline it will fade …

jquery fadein fade fadeout
jQuery - How to fade in/out from one color to another? (possible 3rd party plugin fo jQuery?)

I'm looking for a jQuery script or a 3rd party plugin for jQuery, which can create a fade in/out …

jquery fadein fade fadeout
How do I fade an image in swing?

I've got class which inherits from JPanel with an image on it and i want to set up a little …

java swing animation fade
Fade effect between layouts

As by object, I would reproduce fade effect between two layout. Now I've this situation: LinearLayout l; LinearLayout l2; To …

java android layout fade